Help us at THIS 👇🏽 link.

To DONATE provisions, TOUCH the word “Checkout ” up top.

⬇️ THIS is a quote from “somebody” (we have the recording) whom Soledad and I have interacted with for years and years, who apparently was one of the homeless living on Skid Row, in San Diego. He said his name is Sean, but Soly and I have always suspected him to be an angel sent from Heaven, in disguise. Remember, as the Bible reminds us all, you will sometimes entertain angels unawares (Hebrews 13:2).

We are a NOT-FOR-PROFIT group. ALL donations are used for the contents of care packages. Help us!

In front of a mural painted at Skid Row in San Diego, where we work.

Assembly line: 80 packages 📦 distributed monthly.
May, 2021 homeless outreach

Did you know? The Holy Bible, MORE than food, is the Number One MOST requested item on the streets. Socks are second-most.

If you would like to get Scripture into the hands of BROKEN people who are HUNGERING for the Word of God, there’s a link at the top where you can purchase care packages that we distribute. $10 FOR EACH CARE PACKAGE.

Sally and I passed out MANY ⬆️ provisions during Memorial Day weekend 2020, in May.
Ahead of the Sunday April 2020 homeless outreach benevolence redistribution.
Bibles for Homeless outreach, April 2020
MEET BOB: This is the first leg of the March 2020 homeless outreach benevolence distribution.

I purchase a monthly shipment of compact, 3-in-1 copies of NKJV Scripture: New King James Version/modern-English, pocket-sized, and LARGE-print Bibles for *people on the move, the elderly, and/or those who are without corrective lenses.

My name is Arthur Salazar, and I am the host of Taxi Church, a very popular Facebook ministry. 🚖 Taxi Church is a combination of benevolence redistribution, Bible studies, and PRAISES.

March 28th, 2020 episode of 🚖 Taxi Church.

⬇️ The broadcast LINK posted directly below was an episode recorded from LAX, on March 22nd, 2018: One of the all-time best, a MUST WATCH.

Skid Row is FRONT LINES, in the battle against a pandemic: Homeless and the elderly are the MOST vulnerable to getting infectious diseases.

Bibles hold a CURE for viral outbreaks. People living without shelter are DESPERATE to get their hands on a copy of what may, for them, hold the KEY! Here’s how you can help, WITHOUT getting your hands exposed to germ WARFARE.

I am personally handing out the provisions.

Taxi Church is part of a DAILY devotional online ministry MAGAZINE called Pipeline Laser Raygun (permanent link directly below) since 2005: Spiritual analysis of Current Events using Pop Culture. THIS LINK IS A MAGAZINE THAT CHANGES DAILY: SAME LINK, DAILY UPDATED.

The following 2-part clip is from a recent HOMELESS OUTREACH BENEVOLENCE REDISTRIBUTION, showing where your donation goes. Every penny is accounted for.

NOTE: Bottles of anti-bacterial gel are also distributed. 2-fold DEFENSE!

Mrs. Christ, AKA the Son of God’s entire Bridal Party, are marrying into the Heavenly Royal Family Business, and are NOT AFRAID to get their hands dirty! They are assigned, for now, honorary figurative titles, including Avengers, Magistrates, First 🍇🍇 Fruits, Remnant, actual helpmates, bondservants, Knights of the Eternal Kingdom, co-heirs, and/or the Justice League, operating with the POWER of the Holy Spirit that runs THROUGH her.

The banner representation of the ENTIRE Bridal Party is portrayed as the superhero Wonder Woman. Collectively, the Bride of Christ is “Married to the job”, defending her fellow Brethren across the world, championing the causes nearest and dearest to the world’s Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ.